Custome Post - Types Settings
The theme comes with three custom post types to help you organize and display your content in a structured and professional manner. These custom post types are Services, Team, and Portfolio.
These custom post types can be displayed in a variety of ways throughout your site, such as in a grid or list layout, and you can also choose to display them on specific pages or areas of your site. The customization options available for these post types give you the flexibility to display your content in a way that best suits your needs.
The Portfolio post type is a great way to showcase your past projects and achievements. You can add a title, description, and images for each project, making it easy to showcase your work to potential clients or customers.

The Team post type lets you showcase the people behind your company or organization. You can add information such as name, job title, bio, and profile picture for each team member.

The Services post type allows you to showcase the services you offer to your customers. You can add a title, description, and image for each service, making it easy to highlight the key features and benefits.

The theme also comes with a Testimonials custom post type, which allows you to showcase customer feedback and testimonials on your website. You can add the testimonial author's name, their image, and the testimonial text. This makes it easy to create a page dedicated to customer testimonials or display them throughout your site to showcase your products or services.

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